Launching the scripture memorization program in ELAC
Dear members of ELAC,
God’s Word is the bread of our Christian spiritual life. Many golden verses in The Bible are worthy for us, as Christians to keep in mind, to be our help at all times and to internalize them in our lives. The Navigators Taiwan is promoting a scripture memorization system. You are encouraged to browse their website via the following link:
or via the following QR code.

Start by choosing an area of gospel truth that you want to learn more about, and look for a scripture verse to memorize.
They propose five areas, including:
1.Live a new life
2.Preach Christ
3.Rely on God’s resources
4.Be a disciple of Christ and
5.Grow into the likeness of Christ.
There are 12 verses in each area, for a total of 60 verses. You can start by choosing a passage you want to study, digging deeper into the context, memorizing it in sections, and revising it with your brothers and sisters. Let each of us try to choose a passage from the website to memorize, and on the day of the celebration on 1/9/24, you will recite your pre-selected scripture in your seat as a dedication to the Lord, and we will commit to remember God’s Word with our hearts from now on. We also plan to choose a bible verse to memorize in each month of joint worship in the future, so that we can complete the recitation of these 60 valuable verses within five years. There are also some resources for personal Bible study on Navigators Taiwan’s website, which can be purchased by those who are interested.
I wish you all healthy growth in your personal spiritual life.
East London Alliance Church Worship Department
August 2024